Wednesday, 18 December 2013

A 6-pack of Awesome

So happy to have met and fed this collection of great artists from En Masse

as well as Luca "Lazylegz" Patuelli taking 5 with popsicles at the TEDxYouth@Montreal event! 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

chez Fruiterie Atwater!!

Today we placed a custom Pop Culture freezer at Fruiterie Atwater in Atwater Market!  

The whole market was bursting with inspiration: piles of sweet corn, sunflowers, paniers of wild blueberries, sausage and fennel pizza, truffle or porto kissed cheese, and the grilled stylings of the SATAY Brothers...worth the price of admission alone.  

Fruiterie Atwater is a carefully curated pantry of fresh (and often rare) fruit, veggies, herbs, + wild mushrooms...  I am coveting some balsamic vinegar beads which I spotted there...

I digress.  But then again, the market is all about happy disgression, right?

Here is the freezer

inside which you will see 12 ways to get fruity!

On est super fier!!!  Merci Carlos et Angela!!

Friday, 19 July 2013

pops in Ste. Anne de Bellevue!

There is a very special shop in Ste. Anne de Bellevue, called la Cooperative du Grand Orme, which sells organic foods, and fabbo snacks.  You will recognize its unique presence by the grapes growing up the front railing...or the conversational Spanish classes going on inside.  Last year I bought ground cherry plants from them. Attack!!  (luckily I like to munch these...)    Pop culture is now in their freezer.

Thanks James and les ami(e)s du Coop!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

chez Biotope!

On est ravi d'etre chez Biotope a Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Ce magasin est plein plein plein avec la nourriture bio, 'whole', et yummy!

Merci Yvan et Guylaine!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

bonjour Montreal!

Cette extrait belle de chez Latina:
On est tous pareils. On se plaint du froid, puis du chaud, de la neige, de la pluie et même du beau temps.
Heureusement, il y a des petits plaisirs qui nous font aimer les saisons. Quoi de mieux qu’un bon chocolat chaud onctueux quand le blizzard souffle dans les branches ? Quoi de plus agréable qu’un thé et des sablés quand la pluie tambourine à la fenêtre ? Et quoi de plus joyeux que de suçoter un popsicle en tirant la langue au soleil ?
C’est exactement la raison pour laquelle nous nous sommes mis en quête de popsicles, un produit étrangement absent de notre palais des glaces. L’univers a dû nous entendre puisque Julia de POP CULTURE a pointé le bout de son nez juste à ce moment là. Fabriqués à la main à Hudson (QC), ces magnifiques pops sont réalisés avec des fruits + des fruits + un peu de sucre + beaucoup d’amour. Ça se voit… et ça se sent. Pour le moment 7 saveurs vous attendent en rayon :
Lime Crémeuse – Coco Crémeuse – Ananas Menthe – Chocolat – Hibiscus Mûre
Banane Rôtie et Érable – Fraise Rhubarbe Gingembre 

Sunday, 16 June 2013

artist Carolyn Weisnagel interprets Pop Culture

Well!  If it wasn't already a superb week...look at this picture:

It's Carolyn Weisnagel's wearable interpretation of one of our popsicle flavours, labneh blueberry!

She silk screened these t-shirts at a workshop in Montreal.  I think they are awesome and can hardly wait to try and finagle one out of her...

Here are 2 links to other work by Carolyn Weisnagel

Let us know what you think of them!

Friday, 14 June 2013

POP culture chez Latina au Montreal!

Too excited to have found a home for our freakalicious popsicles at Latina in Montreal!

If you have not been to this hip foodie Mecca, you are in for a major treat.

merci Pascal et Jimmy!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

a break in the clouds!...

Thurs. Afternoon
Variable cloudiness
Variable cloudiness
Feels like 25

Hope to see you @ the Hudson Farmer's Market!  3-7pm..

Monday, 10 June 2013

@ Vert Fourchette in Vankleek Hill, Ontario

Super jazzed to have pops in the freezer at Vert Fourchette in Vankleek Hill.  Not only is their bistro THE place to eat...but their fridges and shelves are stocked with takeaway temptations...

Merci Chantal et Mario!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

"3 Bonnes raisons d'aller au marche Finnegan's" par Ariane Gagnon

1) Les popsicles Pop Culture.Ces glaces fruitées artisanales sont fabriquées à la main par une gentille dame à l’imagination fertile. À date, j’ai testé les saveurs avocat-lime, limonade-lavande et limonade indienne (avec cumin)…et je ne saurais choisir mon préféré! Ils sont tous EXQUIS, rafraîchissants…et santé!

 Merci Ariane Gagnon!!


Monday, 6 May 2013

Sunday, 5 May 2013

quel debut / happy launch!

Merci pour les visites hier chez Marche Finnegan.

J'etais touche par vos mots gentilles et enthousiasme!

It was great to see you yesterday at Finnegan's Market.

Some of you told me you've been waiting all winter for my pops.  How kind and humbling (and freaking awesome) is that?!  Thank you!

Friday, 3 May 2013

soleil sun

jus d'orange frais dans un glace fruitee artisinale (popsicle gourmet) = soleil sur un baton

fresh orange juice in a popsicle = sunshine on a stick

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

POP culture supports "Mum's Walk"

POP culture is offering a sweet incentive in support of Lea Durocher's touching and worthwhile initiative:

When you donate, your name will be put into a draw for a chance to win 1 dozen of your favourite gourmet popsicles!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

popsicley out

BRRRRRRR!  it is seriously chilly outside... who can think of popsicles?!

Yes, you are!  And so am I.