Thursday, 30 August 2012

sneak peek at some new labels...

Can hardly wait to try these bad boys out on the upcoming order for our friends at Daoust Fruit et legume on Harwood Boulevard!

Do I put the coloured label which most resembles the popsicle flavour on the pop?  (ie. green label on lime popsicle.)  Or do I use a contrasting colour to make the pop POP?


Saturday, 11 August 2012

tropical storm / tropic pops

seems like a theme was brewing to complement today's roiling heat and oppressive was to say it?  "tropical..ness"?..."tropicality?...The Tropics?

Pineapple, coconut, coco-pina, mango, lime...  (other treats, too) but today brought out the Mexico in us all via a craving for tropical pop flavours.

As the heat finally gathered itself into a thunderstorm, it shook the maples enough to make them look like palms.  

Thursday, 9 August 2012

POP culture at Que de Bonnes Choses!

Boy oh boy...another great day!  POPs on stock at Que de Bonnes Choses.  Big thanks Emily...and what kind of soup were you making?  It smelled so yummy!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

POP culture (gourmet pops) chez Daoust!!

So pleased that our pops are now available at Daoust Fruits et Legumes! They are a local institution which we all love.  If you have NOT visited this family-run greenhouse and shop, you are in for a treat. They play classical music in their massive greenhouse, stock the most tempting perennials, and make killer little potato donuts and homemade jams inside the front shop. They sell whacking bundles of basil for a song. And they have goats.

Here are my pops in their freezer

closer still!