Sunday, 11 November 2012

TEDxYouth Montreal

We love TED are excited to sponsor TEDxYouth Montreal!

Looking forward to hearing ideas worth spreading!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Why thank you James Parry!

What a nice article in yesterday's edition of Your Local Journal.  (page 10)

One of the joys of writing this column every week – apart from the tax-free six-figure
salary and unlimited expense account (right!) - is that I get to meet some fascinating folk who are not fearful of trying something new. Combining pleasure with business, as it were, they are constantly thinking outside the box when it comes to innovation and creative endeavours in their commun- ity, generating income, and helping to provide for their families.
Something I have noticed – and don’t take this the wrong way guys – but they invariably seem to be women. I can think of at least a dozen ladies that I have reported on in recent months, all doing well in their new ventures and keeping me posted on develop- ments and upcoming promotions. Can’t recall one guy having called me about his new venture or project that he would appreciate a little blurb on. Go figure!
NEW POP CULTURE - Not that Hudson’s new Popsicle Lady did either. But having spotted her all over town this summer - at the Hudson Farmer’s Market every Thursday, Finnegan’s, Canada Day celebra- tions, Street Fair, British Car Show, and most recently at the 2 Barn Owls fundraiser for Le Nichoir, for example - I finally decided to stop by and pop a few questions. Learning a lot, I must
say, about her company – launched this spring after considerable private research and plenty of tasting – de- lightfully dubbed POP Culture.
Her name is Julia Schroeder, she is a proud Mom of two teens, and she says that, for a frozen treat, her pop- sicles have been very warmly received by the public. “I have to tell you James, I am extremely grateful and hum- bled by the excitement people have brought to my popsicle stand,” she told me. “And I have made so many new friends in the community who seem to love what I am doing, Namely, cre- ating the yummiest possible popsicles made from whole foods, fresh fruit and organic ingredients.”
POPSICLE GODS SHINE - Her children and friends were incredibly supportive right from the outset, she adds, while finding that her previous experience with making ice cream and sorbets, as well as what she calls ‘boozy fruiteritas’ definitely came in handy.
Laughs Julia,” The Popsicle Gods were certainly in favour of this en- terprise since they shone down their benevolence in the form of sun, sun, and more sun. Clients arrive hungry or thirsty. But more importantly, they ar- rive – and keep returning – with their intelligence, critical thinking, sense of fun, and curiosity.
“They want to eat better. They want
to know if the honey in the popsicles is supplied by McCaig ’s or whether the raspberries are grown locally. They expect the flavours to be extraordin- ary and challenging. And although a popsicle is a small thing, they are looking for - and finding, I think - an experience. Although I have worked like crazy this summer, every time gor- geous little kids run at me saying ‘The Popsicle Lady!’ or I see the visceral re- actions to the funky flavours with wide smiles, and see people sharing nibbles, I feel like the luckiest person ever.”
In addition to popping up all over town, Julia is also delighted to report that her popsicles are now hot sellers at Que de Bonnes Choses on Main Road, Quinn Farm on Île-Perrot, and Daoust on Harwood. Flavours include raspberry rhubarb with ginger, Indian lemonade (cumin, salt, pepper, and mint), strawberry with honey, maple baked plum, and lavender lemonade. Check ‘em out. You will love them. And for more info, Julia can be reached at (450) 458-2770 or (514) 834-2316.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

supporting Mount Pleasant Elementary

Had a great time at Mount Pleasant Elementary's Back to School BBQ on Thursday!!  Great to see familiar faces and catch up.

POP culture is donating part of the evening's profits to the Home and School Association, with many thanks to Barbara and Christina for the invite.

Monday, 10 September 2012

POP culture supports le Nichoir

 There is a super cool shop housed in a barn on Main Road in Hudson, operated by a collective of smart and funky (and creative!) ladies.  It's called 2 Barn Owls, and it will make you consider putting gravel down on your floor as permanent covering.

They do not need this endorsement since they sell like crazy every time they are open.  However, if you have not yet been:  GO!!  To visit is to love...especially if you are a fan of upcycling, rusted-repurposed, vintage, artisan, and all things NOT-the-Brick-Warehouse.

They are hosting a fundraiser this Saturday, September 15th in aid of another awesome Hudson place:  le Nichoir which helps rehabilitate (and release) birds which have been bobo'ed.

Naturally, this concentration of good will colliding with good taste brings to mind POP culture gourmet popsicles.  (!) So we are going to be there and will be glad to donate some of the proceeds of our sales to our pals at the Nichoir.

Git your banjo on and see you Saturday.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

sneak peek at some new labels...

Can hardly wait to try these bad boys out on the upcoming order for our friends at Daoust Fruit et legume on Harwood Boulevard!

Do I put the coloured label which most resembles the popsicle flavour on the pop?  (ie. green label on lime popsicle.)  Or do I use a contrasting colour to make the pop POP?


Saturday, 11 August 2012

tropical storm / tropic pops

seems like a theme was brewing to complement today's roiling heat and oppressive was to say it?  "tropical..ness"?..."tropicality?...The Tropics?

Pineapple, coconut, coco-pina, mango, lime...  (other treats, too) but today brought out the Mexico in us all via a craving for tropical pop flavours.

As the heat finally gathered itself into a thunderstorm, it shook the maples enough to make them look like palms.  

Thursday, 9 August 2012

POP culture at Que de Bonnes Choses!

Boy oh boy...another great day!  POPs on stock at Que de Bonnes Choses.  Big thanks Emily...and what kind of soup were you making?  It smelled so yummy!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

POP culture (gourmet pops) chez Daoust!!

So pleased that our pops are now available at Daoust Fruits et Legumes! They are a local institution which we all love.  If you have NOT visited this family-run greenhouse and shop, you are in for a treat. They play classical music in their massive greenhouse, stock the most tempting perennials, and make killer little potato donuts and homemade jams inside the front shop. They sell whacking bundles of basil for a song. And they have goats.

Here are my pops in their freezer

closer still!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Thrilled to announce that La Ferme Quinn / Quinn's Farm has picked up our pops! (Thanks guys!)

On stock are garden favourites:  blueberry with honey, raspberry, strawberry with honey, watermelon and lavender lemonade.  All will cool you down after you've gone blueberry picking.


Sunday, 22 July 2012

studiously applying myself to the 3 R's ...raspberries, rhubarb + real cream...

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Summer hitting stride...lots of ways to stay sweet, tart and cool.  Here are 3 new treats to try this week at the Thursday Market (Hudson); Finnegan's Market (Hudson) or Morin Heights (Friday):

Apricot & cream cheese

Strawberry Lemonade

Honey-baked peach with lime

Looking forward to hearing what you think!

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

strawberry lemonade...
tangy and blushing.

Just the antidote to this cowlick-inducing, muggy draggy heat.

Friday, 15 June 2012

See you tomorrow under the Willow tree at Finnegan's for some frozen wonderfulness

Sunday, 10 June 2012

It's so gratifying to cast a pop and have it come out perfectly formed.

What I did not except was the profound (and humbling) pleasure of serving people, and hearing them say "YUM!"

Thursday, 7 June 2012

hello gorgeous

Spring = fresh rhubarb and strawberries (plus a smidge of ginger)

(Memories of grandma's pies.  Her garden, her aprons.  A beaten path to the pea patch and such an urge to grow just under the surface...)